6 Ways to Protect Your Vision Ability
The ability to see the world around us is a thing many sighted people take for granted. However, ask any blind person and they’ll tell you that while they’re resilient and have found ways to adapt, eyesight is definitely something you want to hold onto if possible. After all, learning to live without sight is no easy feat, and going through life without one of your senses leaves you deprived of certain experiences.
For this reason, we highly recommend that all sighted people stop taking their abilities for granted and start taking care of their eyes. The better care you give your eyes, the longer they’ll be able to work for you and since you probably want to hold onto your vision for the rest of your life, this vigilant care should start right now.
Wondering how to take proper care of your eyes and protect your vision ability? Here are our top 6 tips.
#1: Eat Well
Your diet affects all aspects of your health and your eye health is no exception. Therefore, make sure you maintain a well-balanced diet with plenty of nutrients that help maintain your vision.
These include omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, oily fish, eggs, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, and pork all contain large quantities of one or more of these nutrients.
#2: Stop Smoking
It’s no secret that smoking’s terrible for your health, including the health of your eyes. Smoking can lead to cataracts, damage to your optic nerve, and macular degeneration, among other things. If you’re having trouble kicking the habit, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ll certainly be glad you did!
#3: Invest in Safety Goggles
Here’s the thing: Any time you use hazardous or airborne materials, even if it’s in your own home, your eyes are at risk of being damaged. Additionally, sports such as hockey and lacrosse also put your eyes at risk of injury.
In order to avoid sudden and possibly unfixable issues, always wear safety goggles. The benefits far outweigh the hassle of finding and donning a pair.
#4: See a Doctor
Going to the eye doctor may seem like a silly thing to do if you don’t notice anything wrong. This is especially true for those who don’t wear glasses. However, eye doctors are sometimes able to detect issues before any symptoms are noticed by the patient, and when it comes to eye health, time’s often of the essence.
For this reason, scheduling annual exams is always a good idea, even if you don’t believe anything’s wrong.
#5: Put Away the Screens
Too much screen time will quickly wreak havoc on your vision. Unfortunately, in our modern society, we are constantly surrounded by screens, making it feel impossible to escape.
Nevertheless, it’s important that you put down the phone, close your laptop, and turn off the TV for at least 15 minutes every 2 hours throughout the day. Additionally, it’s recommended that all screens be put away in the evenings in order to give both your eyes and your brain a break before bed.
#6. Wear Sunglasses
One of the simplest and most effective ways to protect your vision is through the regular use of sunglasses. Sunglasses can be relatively cheap and wearing them each and every time you head outside will prevent the sun’s harmful rays from reaching your eyes and causing cataracts or macular degeneration.
When shopping for your glasses, try to find a pair that block out 99–100% of UV rays, and go for the pair that offer the most coverage.
These things might seem like small changes, but they can seriously improve your eye health and ensure you hold onto your vision for years to come. Why not get started right away?